It was so great to talk with each of you about your kids.   Some conferences had similar content and suggestions, but not all of them! I thought I would put a collection of ideas that came out of our discussions:

Spelling:  Checking spelling is really a hard task; checking in the dictionary proves to be impossible if you already don't know how to spell a word.  There are spelling correctors that are sold in a pocket size that are really useful for checking spelling. If a student types in a word that they have spelled phonetically (for instance befor) the spelling corrector will give suggestions that closely relate to the work entered (before).  I bought mine on amazon for about $15. I have two in the classroom that students are welcome to try before you invest any money.

Reading Fluency:  This one is all about practice, as you know, but there are some gains to be made by letting students listen to themselves read.   Remember when it used to be such an ordeal to record? You needed a tape player, blank tape, mircrophone... I know my phone has a recording device in  it, and I think many of the models do.   Record students reading a specific passsage and then let them listen to themselves.  They may notice important things about their reading that they aren't able to access while the actual reading is going on.  It'd be great to model this first and talk through what you notice about your own reading.

Reading Vocabulary:  This suggestions might be a stretch, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.  :)   I have loaded a few books on my iPad and have really enjoyed the feature where you can click on a word in the text and get the definition.  I know this feature is available in other readers (such as Kindle or Nook). If it's something you've been even remotely thinking about for your student, it might be worth it. It's somewhat unrealistic to expect kids to get a dictionary when they don't understand a word (I wouldn't), but if it's right in front of them, I think they would be more inclined to look it up.

Math Computation: I can't say enough about IXL.  If your child is struggling in a specific skill, there is probably a match for that on IXL.  If you're not sure which ones would be appropriate, please ask! Also, there is a list of skills on our website that coordinate with what we have learned so far (IXL Mastery List).

Assignment Calendar/Checklist: Your student needs to be proficient in the use of one of these.  The middle school uses both an assignment calendar and an online assignment checklist. The system we have here in our room sets the kids up perfectly for success in middle school. Kids need to be in the habit of checking online and recording their assignments in their calendar.  If you're not sure if your kids is using the calendar, ask them!  We write in it every day!

Check in with your kids:  I know you already do this, but I think we have a tendency to assume that 5th graders are "old" and have things under control. In reality, they are still little (I'll deny it if you tell them I said it!!).  They are 10 and 11, and just really figuring out how to be a student, a . Please ask to see papers, know when the tests are and be in conversations with your students about their school work and their friendships.

Thanks for the great conferences. Happy Thanksgiving!!
[email protected]
There won't be official homework for the week of Thanksgiving, but I have put up several options on the Homework Page.  I'm assuming some of you may find yourselves with a student that needs occupying... :)  
Our class has the amazing opportunity to be part of the KCLS "You Choose the Next Newbery" again this year. Last year we received a grant from PTA to purchase books. This year the KCLS Foundation is providing the books.  This was one of my favorite moments from last year. I was so jazzed that the kids from last year were excited to participate again.  

For you "newbies" :), here's the gist.  KCLS picks 8 books that they think might be considered for the 2012 Newbery Award.  Participating classes read as many books as possible, and then have a "battle" style debate to determine the winning book.  This year, our "battle" will happen in early January -- this gives us almost 4 more weeks of reading than last year!! We have 4 copies of each book in the classroom. KCLS should have more available if you want to try and check them out, and I've found a few are available digitally if you are an ipad, kindle type fan.  We are devoting a little time each day to just reading. The kids are thinking about theme, plot, characters and setting as they are reading. Here are this year's books:
The Wikkeling by Steven Arntson

The Mostly True Story of Jack by Kelly Regan Barnhill

Dead End in Norvelt  by Jack Gantos

Junonia by Kevin Henkes

The Trouble With May Amelia by Jennifer Holm

Flesh & Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and its Legacy by Albert Marrin

Okay For Now by Gary Schmidt

There is an 8th book that I opted out of: "A Monster Calls".  If your child is interested in reading this, please preview it first. I haven't read it, but it seems pretty dark.Today in the computer lab all the kids had the opportunity to join a site called Edmodo.   It's a site set up exclusively for schools that provides safe social networking. I heard a few kids say, "it's like facebook!", and I want to clarify that.  Edmodo is secure in that kids can only be within the "groups" that the teacher sets up. Each class has it's own group, and its a random assortment of letters and numbers. You can't get in to the class without the code, so it is secure in that sense.  

I set up groups for each of our Newbery books so we have a way to talk back and forth with each other about the books.  In a classroom setting, I don't often get to hear everyone's voice. Edmodo creates a great experience in that everyone gets to be part of the conversation. Edmodo isn't to be used like social networking; we aren't posting about soccer games or movies (or whatever else they talk about!).  It's only to be used for class, and in this instance, for the Newbery books.  

As a parent, you may join Edmodo and have access to your child's account. You won't be able to interact with the class, but you can observe what your child is doing.  If you would like your child's code, please let me know. 

We also had a blast today creating avatars for Edmodo. New York Zoo has a fun website called Build Your Wild Self.  Too much fun. If you have younger kids especially, they will get a kick out of that! There's a link to it in our "links" section.

Well that has got to be all for now, right? :)
As I'm writing this, I'm looking out the window at the field where your students are running the mile in PE.  Some of them are truly flying! And some of them look like they are on the brink of collapse. :)  It's pretty cute. 

Yesterday in our assignment calendars we wrote down that there would be a division test on Wednesday.  We've been working hard in class at division, and also have taken a couple trips to the computer lab to practice with IXL. I would encourage everyone to practice this weekend and in to early next week.   The IXL skills that would be the most helpful are H.3  and H.4.  If you don't have a computer available, we've been dividing three digit numbers by one division, with and without remainders.

On Monday we will have a Harvest Party. Several volunteers have pitched in and have planned awesome games and treats. It sounds like it will be fun. Please remind your students that we don't wear costumes to school. Also, on Tuesday, please be on the look-out for a candy stash making its way to school. :) They can eat some at lunch, but otherwise, that's not a good snack for the classroom. 

Next week please look for both a reading test (Hatchet) to come home, as well as a recent test on early colonies (Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth). It's amazing what these kids are learning!
Have a great weekend!
[email protected]
I handed back the multiplication math test this afternoon. On our assignment calendars we also wrote a reminder to share the test with our families... If you haven't seen it, please start asking your student! 

On the front with the break down of the skills from the test, I included the IXL skill numbers so that you have a focused place to practice.  These would also be good skills for your student to come back to in a few weeks to practice.  

We are supplementing our math program with IXL, and I hope you will make use of it at home!  We are going to try and go to the lab once a week at least for IXL, but it will be more impactful if you can allow your kids some computer time at home. I am keeping an ongoing list if skills we have already worked on in class:

IXL Mastery List

These would be good choices if your child is working at home.  If your child doesn't have other classwork/homework to finish at night (like the Social Studies paper or camp story tonight), this would be a good way to spend 20 minutes or so.  

[email protected]
Today was the day the kids have been waiting for...We made our websites!!!  I love it when they cheer when I tell them what we're doing for the day. :)  We worked for a little over an hour on getting websites up and running.  The thing we have talked about the most is making sure that anything on their websites is school appropriate -- language and pictures. I told them that they should be able to show Mr. Jester anything on their site (I think that's a good barometer!).  This week they will be doing their weekly blog on their website. I hope you will put your child's website in your favorites and check it often.  You will be able to add comments to their blogs, and check out work we are doing in their portfolio page (there is a matter collage up right now).    As your kids are working on their websites at home, it would be great if you could help me with a few things:  positive comments only, no links on their pages, and no music.  The no links may not make perfect sense, so let me tell you my thinking on that. Ultimately I'm responsible for their websites, and I don't have the time to check all the sites they want to link to make sure they are all okay for school.  Same with music -- I concede that I'm not "hip" when it comes to music and I would have to research that as well.  Have fun looking at their sites!
Student Websites
mailto:[email protected]
Due to a very generous donation from an Opstad family, we now have school-wide access to  If you were in my class as a 4th grader, this is the site we used towards the end of the year. I'm very excited about the possibilities it provides for practice on current content, re-teaching and enrichment. The site offers grade level practice for Pre-K through 8th grade.  We will use it at school, but it is also a resource for you at home.  If you would like suggestions for your kids to practice, I would be glad to provide that!

We will look at the site tomorrow (Friday, 10/7)  as a class so they can see how it works, and students will come home with a pink sheet that provides their username and password. In case the page gets lost  :) here is the information:

username:  zero followed by their 6 digit school  ID (lunch and library number)
password:  opstad

One of the things we will talk about in class Friday is the need for paper and pencil (or whiteboard and marker) to do the work on.  Without a resource to write on, students will be more apt to guess. 

It would be great to sit down with your student and look at the site together. We will do this Friday, but purposely put in a wrong answer so you can see the explanation.  That is one of my favorite features!

If you have younger kids at school, their username password will follow the same pattern once the teacher activates the account.    
[email protected]
Do you feel like you hear that every year?  :)  Since I have done the 3rd to 4th to 5th grade circuit, I know that multiplication rears its ugly head every year.  I'm mostly just kidding -- I'm a math nerd at heart, and love multiplication. It's actually the first thing as a child (in 3rd grade) that I remember just "getting".  The teacher told us to just memorize the facts, and I felt relieved.  There was no figuring, just remembering.  Third grade is when the theory behind multiplication is introduced, and fourth grade is where it is supposed to be mastered. By fifth grade, it is just an assumed skill. This week we are reviewing all parts of multiplication (multiplying by 10s, estimating, multiplying by one number, by two numbers and beyond).  What I have noticed is that there are still a few kiddos out there that need to memorize their facts. Most every step from here on out relies on multiplication. We will be starting weekly timed tests to try and get kids up to speed. While there is a section of the awards ceremony at the end of the year for math timings, the main focus is on personal growth.  We will be graphing results and setting goals.  It's not too late to pull out the flash cards and increase that math fluency!
Happy Multiplying,

[email protected]



I hope you heard some wonderful tales about camp. It is always my favorite event of the year, and I think it's possible that the kids have even more fun than I do!  This year we had some great high school counselors that really made the experience fun for the kids, and helped us teachers get a little more sleep (okay, not that much more...). 

In a quick poll on Friday I found that the general consensus was that Reptiles was the favorite class.   The staff really does a great job on the education part of the class, and then there is the favorite part of interacting with and holding the reptiles.  I took some great pictures, but as many of the kids pointed out, did not touch one of the animals!  Check out photos under the "Photos" tab.

Other classes kids participated in were: canoeing, marine biology, cooperative learning, orienteering and squid dissection.  I think I can still smell the squid dissection room... 

Other favorite activities were the Night Hike, Skit Night (oh, how I laughed!), Rec Time (archery, canoeing, rock wall, reptiles...), Cabin Time and so much more!

The wonderful thing about camp is that I get to see your kids outside of the classroom. It is fun to interact with them in a less structured way and see their real personalities. You have great kids (and I'm not just saying that!).  I hope they have all gotten caught up on sleep for the coming week -- I'm close!  :)  
[email protected]
It's up! Under "Homework" is a tab called "Assignment Checklist". You can see what assignments have been due so far this week, and what your child has turned in. The only "hard" part is that you have to know your child's screenname. :) If they won't divulge this information, shoot me and email and I will let you know.  I won't look at the reading logs until Wednesday night or so. In regards to this week's blog (Anticipating Camp) it only counts if it has at least 50 words, and mostly proper usage of capitals and periods.  This week is just practice, and after camp we will start keeping track for real!

Thanks for helping your kids be organized!
[email protected]