I'm hoping that before break your kids came home telling you all about our wonderful iPad adventure! Opstad received three grants from the Technology Initiative, and we have 10 iPads to share among every two grade levels. We used the app "Educreation" to create mini videos the kids made. In pairs they worked to define and give examples of certain geometric terms.  The pictures are in our photo section if you want to see.  It was one of my favorite teaching experiences - ever. :)  The engagement and interest was unreal!  

Today during writing the kids were working on their PowerPoint ABC books. I had directed that only one person per team could use the computers in the hall, so they were working out who needed the computers the most etc. About 15 minutes into our work session, I felt like I had been hit on the head -- duh!  I had iPads in the cupboard! So we pulled those out and the teams used them for research. One of the things I love the most about these mobile devices is that it is easier to share.   I watched as kids did research, found something interesting, and walked it over to someone else to share.  I think we have a tendency to fear that technology can be isolating or anti-social. What I've seen is that kids are very eager to share what they are doing with one another.  

Hope everyone had a great Holiday. Happy New Year!
[email protected]
Chris Swamy
1/4/2012 07:59:25 am

This is really awesome! Thank you so much for giving the kids this opportunity of new learning methods.

1/4/2012 11:51:06 am

The really exciting part is that the grant was open to middle and high school teachers as well. Hopefully your kids will have learning opportunities like this from here on out!

Carrie Puntillo
1/5/2012 02:40:21 am

I have been hearing about this! It sounds like a great experience. Thank you!


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