This week's blogs were incredibly fun to read because the topic was selected by the writer. So fun to see what the kid are thinking about!  I hope that you are able to read your child's blog each week. Even if you don't leave a comment (I know some are mortified by that!), it's a great way to see what your kid's thinking about how they are writing. A few could use an editor as well. There are always instructions on the direction page. This week's are:

Normal "rules" apply:
**use school appropriate language
**use correct spelling
**include capitals and periods
**include at least 100 words!

To get credit, there must be 100 words, capitals and periods must be correct and common words have to be spelled correctly. It's not "cheating" to help your student edit their work.  Another idea is to have them type their blog in to MS Word (or an equivalent) and then paste it in to the blog. Word has spell check and word count which are some helpful tools!
[email protected]

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