Next Thursday we have a field trip to downtown Seattle. The Seattle Symphony puts on a show each year for 5th grade classes that is always amazing. The kids that are in band will find the experience truly inspiring.  While we are downtown we will also have a chance to walk through the Seattle Art Museum (sorry -- not the Gauguin exhibit!) as well as the Pike Street Market.  Kids will need clothes appropriate for the Symphony, but also for walking around outside, and, of course, a sack lunch.  Also, the kids are allowed to bring a few dollars to spend at the market if they wish -- we are telling the kids $5 is an appropriate amount. They shouldn't be coming with large amounts of cash -- please check with them! Chaperones are necessary, so let me know if you can make it.  There isn't always room for all the chaperones at the symphony, but there's coffee right there!  Anyway, let me know if you can make it. We will leave shortly after school begins and be back around 2.  
[email protected]

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